Fine Arts & Technology
Holy Spirit School students in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade attend weekly art class while Middle School students choose from a variety of art electives. Students are exposed to different art mediums while also being introduced to art history. The Art program often collaborates with teachers on projects reinforcing classroom studies and motivating students to stretch their abilities while following the Diocesan standards. There is an annual art show where all student work is prominently featured and families have the opportunity to view student work.
While Middle School art electives evolve and change over the years to reflect student interest, current electives include: Graphic Design, Recycled Art, Historical Art Elements, Sculpture, Set Design, Art from a New Angle. *
Music & Performing Arts
All Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade students participate in music classes. Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade students participate in general music studies once per week.
Each grade level learns the basic fundamentals of music such as steady beat and rhythm. Students across the grade levels learn the songs for weekly school Masses, sing solfege syllables with hand signs and play classroom non-pitched and pitched instruments. The lessons follow the Diocesan standards with age appropriate activities and games to build and expand their musical knowledge and skills.
Third Grade and Fourth Grade students focus on learning the recorder in the third trimester. Middle School music classes consist of music electives that focus on a specific instrument or musical skill. As in art, music electives change based on student interest; current electives include: Handbells, Introduction to Musical Theater, Introduction to Chorus, Keyboard, Spring Musical and Ukulele.
Various productions are held throughout the year that include all grade levels from Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. **
Holy Spirit School’s music department offers two school choirs, The Mass Choir and Performance Choir. *** Students also have the opportunity to participate in Concert Band through the Garwood Whaley Music program starting in Fourth Grade or the Strings Ensemble which begins in Third Grade.
Technology Instruction
Technology instruction is provided at the elementary level and as a Middle School elective. * Kindergarten through Fifth Grade technology skills focus on basic computer skills, typing fluency, STEAM instruction and learning to become better Digital Citizens.
Topics covered by all grades include online safety, digital etiquette, cyber bullying, appropriate use, protecting your online reputation, social networking, plagiarism, copyright and fair use, how to conduct effective searches, how to evaluate sites for accuracy and bias, as well as computer and Internet history.
Students use communication and collaboration tools in class such as blogs, wikis, Edmodo, Google Apps for Schools and discussion boards. Students create products using common productivity tools, Google Apps for Schools, Microsoft Office 365 software and other web-based applications.
The Media Lab provides a technology focused working space available to all grade levels in all subject areas.
The Media Lab houses video and recording equipment for the authentic integration of technology into lessons across all grade levels. It also contains robotics and STEAM related equipment to develop collaboration and critical thinking skills.
* Read more about the Middle School Electives here.
** Music and Performing Arts Productions include Pre- Kindergarten Christmas Concert; Kindergarten Completion Song; Kindergarten through Fourth Grade Christmas Musical; Fourth Grade Colonial Day Play; Fifth Grade Nativity Pageant; Eighth Grade The Living Stations; annual Diocesan Shakespeare Festival and Middle School Spring Musical.
***The Mass Choir rehearses after school and enhances each weekly school Mass under the direction of the Music Teacher, with select students playing instruments to accompany the choir. The Mass Choir sings at School and Parish events including Graduation Mass; First Communion Mass; Bishop’s Diocesan Opening Mass; Vocations Mass; Diocesan Mass for Persons with Disabilities; Catholic Schools Week Mass; Confirmation Retreat Mass and Prayer Services.
The Performance Choir rehearses after school on alternate days and performs in regional competition, the Diocesan Honor Choir Festival, as well as school activities including Winter Concert, Spring Concert, and Lunch on the Lawn.