Military Families

We understand the unique needs of our military community and work with our families to ensure a smooth transition for students and their families. Our school registrar serves as the point of contact and will assist with the application process, while our school counselor is available to both students and their families during their school transition.

Additionally, we utilize a Sponsor Program for new families and work to set up new military families with established military families within our community.

We invite our Military Community, along with First Responders, to an annual Veterans Day Ceremony, and have a Hero Wall that is sponsored and organized by our National Junior Honor Society where students can honor the Military Heroes, along with the First Responder Heroes, in their lives.

Our faculty and staff are happy to work with your family to schedule a tour and walk you through our facility, virtually or in person. Traditionally, we offer two Open Houses, one in October and one in January. Private tours can be arranged to meet the unique scheduling needs of our families. To schedule a tour please fill out our prospective family form.

The following documentation is needed for the application process, and the appropriate forms can be found on the Application Materials page:

  • Completed Application for Admission
  • Original and copy of birth certificate (original must be provided for review upon acceptance)
  • Copy of current Immunization Record
  • Copy of Catholic sacramental certificates – Baptism, First Communion, First Reconciliation, Confirmation (if applicable)
  • Copy of current and two previous years’ report cards
  • Copy of current and two previous years’ standardized test scores
  • Proof of custody or guardianship (if applicable)
  • Copies of IEP, 504 Plan, Student Assistance Plan, Speech and Language Evaluation, Psycho-educational test results, Special Ed Child Study, Special Ed Eligibility Date from base school and Special Ed Triennial (if applicable)
  • Completed Pre-Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire (Pre-K applicants only)
  • Release of Student Records form sent to child’s current school (for applicants entering Grades 1-8 only)
  • Prospective Student Evaluation (Grades PreK-1 or Grades 2-8) form sent to child’s current school

A completed application includes copies of the above listed documentation, required forms and records, and a non-refundable application fee of $100.00 per child, payable to Holy Spirit School. 

Once accepted, a $550.00 non-refundable registration fee is required to hold a student’s spot for the coming academic year. Prior to the start of school, accepted students must have submitted a Virginia Health Form and immunization records to the school nurse. This can be completed by a current family physician and faxed, emailed, or mailed to the school.

Military families may apply for financial assistance available through the Arlington Diocese Tuition Assistance program. For current tuition rates, please see our Tuition page.

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