Family Engagement
“Parents have a particularly important part to play in the educating community, since it is to them that primary and natural responsibility for their children’s education belongs.” – The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, #20
Joining Holy Spirit Catholic School means becoming a part of a broader community. In regards to education, teachers recognize and respect parents as the primary educators of the students and foster collaborative relationships with parents.
Many opportunities are offered to encourage family engagement within the school and the Holy Spirit School community. Families are invited to attend weekly Mass and any of the many assemblies that take place. Throughout the year there are Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Grandparent’s Day celebrations where families are welcomed into their student’s classroom.
There are traditionally many opportunities to volunteer in and outside the classroom, including Mystery Reader, Roller Skating Volunteer, Field Trip Chaperone and Class Party or Special Event Volunteer.
Volunteers at Holy Spirit Catholic School must be fully compliant with the Child Protection Policy.
The school and the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) work to provide opportunities for community engagement, including events like Trunk or Treat, the annual Christmas Tree Sale and recess supervision.
Holy Spirit School works as a community where family engagement is fully embraced. Everything at Holy Spirit happens with the assistance of a fully supportive parent population and an active Parent-Teacher Organization.
Parent-Teacher Organization
The mission of Holy Spirit Catholic School’s Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to inspire minds and ignite hearts through partnerships with families, teachers, staff, administrators and community organizations. The PTO will accomplish its purpose through committee initiatives and fundraising while striving to make PTO rewarding and fostering a sense of inclusion and community at Holy Spirit Catholic School.
PTO Sponsored Events Have Included:
- New Family Social
- Used Uniform Sales
- Volunteer Fair
- Box Tops Drive
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Trunk or Treat
- Christmas Tree Sales
- Restaurant Fundraiser
- Christmas Boutique
- Guest Speaker Seminars (past speakers included topics on Financial Planning, Personal Technology Addiction, and Screenagers Showings)
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Talent Show
- Field Day
- Monthly Hospitality Luncheon for Teachers
To see additional ways in which families can become involved, please see our Volunteer Opportunities.