Application Materials & Forms

STEP 1: Holy Spirit School utilizes the Arlington Diocese Catholic School Application for admissions. Please complete this online application HERE and select Holy Spirit School as your first choice.

STEP 2: Gather the following documents and submit to Holy Spirit School:

  • Copy of birth certificate (original to be presented upon acceptance)
  • Copy of current Immunization Record
  • Copy of Catholic sacramental certificates – Baptism, First Communion, First Reconciliation, Confirmation (if applicable)
  • Copy of current and two previous years’ report cards
  • Copy of current and two previous years’ standardized test scores
  • Proof of custody or guardianship (if applicable)
  • Copies of IEP, 504 Plan, Student Assistance Plan, Speech and Language Evaluation, Psycho-educational test results, Special Ed Child Study, Special Ed Eligibility Date from base school and Special Ed Triennial (if applicable)
  • Completed Pre-Kindergarten Parent Questionnaire (Pre-K applicants only)

STEP 3: Submit the $100.00/applicant non-refundable application fee to Holy Spirit School. Payment (cash or check) may be mailed to Holy Spirit School, attn: Registrar, 8802 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003, or dropped off at the school during regular school hours.

STEP 4: Submit the following documents to your child’s current school:

STEP 5: Upon acceptance, submit the following:

  • A $550.00 non-refundable registration fee is required to hold a student’s spot for the coming academic year. Payment (cash or check) may be mailed to Holy Spirit School, attn: Registrar, 8802 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003, or dropped off at the school during regular school hours.
  • Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Health Form must be sent to the school office no later than August 1st. Failure to do so may delay entrance into Holy Spirit School.

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